Phidon Pens

Italic Hand Calligraphy with Aline Chan (May 25th, 2024)


Dive into the beautiful world of traditional Italic Hand calligraphy in this 3-hour, in-person workshop with professional calligrapher Aline Chan!

The Italic Hand is an alphabet developed during the Renaissance era (14th-15th century) in Italy. It is said that the Florentine humanist Niccolò de’ Niccoli used a cursive form of the Humanist minuscule to transcribe books for his own use – as the Humanist minuscule took too much time to write. In other words, a new way of writing was born partially motivated by functionality, resulting in what we is now widely recognized as the Italic Hand. Today, handwritten Italic alphabets remain ever-popular for quotations, wedding invitations, art calligraphy and improving handwriting style.

Aline will show you the skills necessary for Italic Hand lettering and guide you through the process of writing out each letter of the alphabet. Whether you are looking to create elegant greeting cards or stunning lettering art pieces, this course will give you the skills to begin your exploration of this popular calligraphy script.

11:00am to 2:30pm on Saturday, May 25th, 2024

  • with half-hour break from 12:30pm to 1:00pm

Basic Supplies (not included):